Of the highest quality, these wines can withstand both good and bad years, remaining true to themselves. To achieve this, the blends include 25% to 50% of reserve wines kept either in tanks or in small oak barrels. These reserve wines are wines already blended from the previous year, themselves including 25% to 50% of reserve wines from the previous year as well, going back to the origin of the Maison. Preserved from the vagaries of time, the Multi-Vintage champagnes are the very expression of the Bruno Paillard style.

Première cuvée

Harmony and balance


Subtlety and vivacity


Finesse and minerality


Salinity and depth


Plenitude and voluptuousness



Vintage Champagnes express through the Bruno Paillard style, the quintessence of one specific year. Only the best years are selected to become a future ambassador of the past… The blend of grape varieties and vintages varies according to its richness and particularities. This is why Bruno Paillard wanted to individualise his vintages and express their nature on the label: to each year its character, to each character its word, to each word its artist and to each artist his canvas.

Blanc de blancs

Saline florality

“Nec plus ultra"


N.P.U. – ” Nec Plus Ultra ” was born from the idea to create the greatest possible Champagne, whatever the constraints. For this, decisions were made at the highest level for each stage of its development. From this crazy dream was created a champagne at the height of winemaking… N.P.U. – Nec Plus Ultra.


Depth and freshness


A unique experience

"When both “well born” and “well brought up” Champagnes can age wonderfully"

Since 1983 Maison Bruno Paillard has indicated the disgorgement date of the wines on every single bottle.

Wine lovers know that after this process of disgorgement the evolution of the wine changes in style to go through five or six different “ages” more or less complementary, leading to an increase in complexity: firstly fruit dominated, then by flowers, spices, toasted aromas, and finally candied fruit and roasted notes.

For the first time wine lovers will be able to taste this evolution with the creation of two exclusive cases available in very limited quantities.

The first case containing a bottle of Brut Première Cuvée disgorged six months previously, one bottle disgorged three years previously and one bottle disgorged six years previously; the second case containing five bottles in total, also including one eight years old disgorgement and one ten years old disgorgement.

The tasting order should follow from the most recent to the oldest disgorgement date,
clearly indicated on the back label.


Use an appropriate glass. Serve at a cold but not chilled temperature (9–10°C). Keep a separate glass with a sample from each bottle to gauge the development of the wine, making sure they are kept in the correct tasting order.




« Those who love wine know that wine is alive…»​

Why then a wine built patiently raised, loved, he should not be tasted at 8 or 10 years? To learn more about again, part of each of the vintages of the house does not leave its cool cellars and continues there in a mysterious alchemy, its creation which then escapes us…

The Collection of Ancient Vintages is thus a wonderful trip in the Champagne memory and that of our family. A wonderful inspiration, shaping also the ambition that we must continually be created for each bottle.

Very confidential, the Collection is made available to the curious researcher in some places of the world, longtime friends of the house.



  • x
    Sillon-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    « Sillon », œuvre inédite de Claude Viallat

    C‘est du caractère intérieur, profond et concentré de ce vin qu’est né le thème Sillon. Quoi de plus naturel alors, que de se tourner vers un peintre ayant fait le choix de sans cesse, inlassablement, approfondir son art et sa recherche toujours autour d’un même signe ?

  • x
    Where strength marries grace-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    "Where strength marries grace", an original work by Takehiko Sugawara

    The Japanese painter Takehiko Sugawara illustrated the label on the theme "Where strength marries grace", in coherence with the strength of the climatic contrasts of this vintage and the brilliant quality of the grapes of this great wine.

  • x
    Invitation to travel-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    "Invitation to travel", an original work by Anna-Lisa Unkuri

    The Swedish painter Anna-Lisa Unkuri has illustrated the label on the theme "Invitation to travel", in coherence with the solar generosity and the evocative perfumes of distant lands of this great wine.

  • x
    Energy-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    « Energy », original oil painting by Bang Hai Ja

    This Brut Assemblage 2008, offers a wide and soft structure, soft, round flavors. Bang Hai Ja illustrated the powerful vitality of this wine on the theme: “Energy.”

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    Voluptuous-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    « Voluptuous », original oil painting by Jockum Nordström

    The great Swedish artist Jockum Nordström created a collage/painting for this wine, under the title «Voluptuous». A theme we choose from the generous and round character of this wine.

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    Harmony, <br/> Symphony-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Harmony, Symphony” original oil painting by Arthur Djoroukhian

    This 2004 Brut Assemblage has a full and generous structure and soft, rounded flavours. Arthur Djoroukhian has visually interpreted the great elegance of this wine as “a harmony and a symphony”.

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    Chilhood Dreams-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Chilhood dreams”, ink on rice paper by Chen Jiang Hong

    To illustrate this 2004 Blanc de Blancs, Chen Jiang Hong, who specialises in visual storytelling, worked on the theme of “childhood dreams”, inspired by the wine’s lively and rounded nose. The brioche, almond and nutmeg evoke memories of delicious treats.

    Cuvée - Chilhood Dreams - Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs

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  • x
    Water Lilies-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Water Lilies”, original oil painting by Louis Cane

    To illustrate the 2002 Brut Assemblage, Louis Cane worked on the theme of water lilies. Inspired by the imagery created by Monet, the multiple reflections in his work radiate colour and convey the wine’s energy.

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    Floral Ascent-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Floral Ascent”, watercolour by Jean-Paul Agosti

    2002 was a relatively dry and warm year, with a constant heat, which in contrast to a temperate summer, allowed the grapes to ripen evenly. The low yields concentrated the aromas in the grapes, hence the theme of “floral ascent”.

    The wine also has such a clear sense of verticality and vitality, that movement became an essential part of the theme.

    Cuvée - Floral Ascent - Brut Millésimé Blanc des Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc des Blancs

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  • x
    Turbulence <br />and Warmth-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Turbulence, Flamboyance and Warmth”, oil on canvas by Didier Paquignon

    A lively interpretation full of contrasting reflections and movement, which is apt for the 1999 brut vintage, Didier Paquignon accurately illustrates the theme of “turbulence, flamboyance and warmth”.

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    Vibrancy-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Vibrancy”, oil on canvas by Guillemette Schlumberger

    This 1999 Blanc de Blancs has a strong effervescence in spite of the fine bubbles. On the palate, the liveliness is still very noticeable. Guillemette Schlumberger has conveyed this in her theme of “vibrancy”.

    Cuvée - Vibrancy - Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs

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  • x
    Depth-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Depth”, original pastel and gouache on paper by Sandro Chia

    The 1996 Blanc de Blancs promises openness and exceptional expressiveness. The theme of “depth” reflects the greater density and remarkable intensity of the vintage, and is illustrated by an image of all-enveloping rolling waves.

    Cuvée - Depth - Brut Millésimé  Blanc de Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs

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  • x
    Structure and Velvet-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    "Structure and Velvet", original oil painting by Paola Marchesi

    This wine has an astonishing maturity, great vinosity and extremely high acidity. By ageing it for more than 10 years in the cellar, the house has given the wine a velvety texture. Paola Marchesi has ilustrated the structure using sharp-edged diamonds, and the texture using bubbles.

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    Love and Silk-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Love and Silk”, original watercolour by Luc Simon

    This smooth-drinking champagne is silky on the palate and an experience for all the senses. “Love” seemed like a natural theme to evoke the almost incandescent character of this vintage. This was the first assemblage to include the Meunier grape variety, which is what provides the silky texture. In his painting of a woman with blazing red hair, her body wrapped in vines, Luc Simon captures the passionate character of the wine beautifully. The artist’s regional roots are also reflected in the work, with Reims cathedral at its centre, and bubbles leaping from a Champagne glass on the right of the painting. ​

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    Balance <br/>and Fullness-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Balance and Fullness”, original gouache and ink by Roland Roure

    There is a sense of harmony in the 1995 Blanc de Blancs. The well-rounded maturity was interpreted by Roland Roure as “balance and fullness”. It is a playful painting featuring a swirling couple of marionettes happily embracing in perfect harmony.

    Cuvée - Balance <br/>and Fullness - Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs

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  • x
    Ampleness and Suppleness-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Ampleness and Suppleness”, unpublished watercolour by Benedict Marq

    The 1989 Assemblage may have lacked a little acidity, but showed more flexibility and fullness, hence the theme. In Marq’s work, there is a sense of magnitude in the impressive minerality, almost tectonic in its invasion of the foreground. In a more subtle touch, flexibility is symbolised by the bird in flight, which the viewer sees outlined in the sky.

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    Time?-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    “Time?”, an original oil painting by Jean-Yves Gosti

    Rapid ageing and good acidity conspired to make 1985’s wines truly exquisite. This 1985 vintage was elegant, lively, well-rounded and impressive, even at a young age. At the time, we were asking ourselves how it would change over time. In his work, Gosti conveys the potential longevity of the wine, portraying a man who turns his back on time as represented by a racing clock.

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    Balance-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    "Balance", Oil on canvas, by Bernard Piffaretti

    This 1983 blanc de blancs is characterised by its strong citrus minerality, freshness and liveliness, all of which create a wine of immense purity. Piffaretti became interested in the bubbles during his work. The gold, yellow and green colours found in the blanc de blancs are finely observed. The picture is repeated and each part is divided in two, conveying a sense of balance.

    Cuvée - Balance - Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Blancs

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  • x
    Exuberance-Etiquette-Champagne Bruno Paillard

    "Exuberance", Oil on canvas by Christine Burdin.

    1981 was a year of small harvests, when pinot noir appeared to be more successful than chardonnay. This dominant pinot noir reflects the strength and richness of 1973. When aged, it becomes a very expressive wine with strong minerality and fruitiness. This is why the theme of “exuberance” was selected. Burdin portrays a colourful sarabande dance on a black background. The movement in the painting conveys a sense of power. We find a perfect osmosis between the artist and the champagne, signalling a wine with a strong personality, and one that is open to many different interpretations.

    Cuvée - Exuberance - Brut Millésimé Blanc de Noirs - Bruno Paillard


    Brut Millésimé Blanc de Noirs

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Claude-Viallat-Sillon-large- CHAMPAGNE BRUNO PAILLARD

Assemblage (blending)


by Claude Viallat

Blanc de Blancs

Where strength marries grace

by Takehiko Sugawara

« Invitation au voyage », œuvre inédite d’Anna-Lisa Unkuri - 2009 - CHAMPAGNE BRUNO PAILLARD

Assemblage (blending)

Invitation to travel

by Anna-Lisa Unkuri

Assemblage (blending)


by Bang Hai Ja

Blanc de Blancs


by Jockum Nordström

Assemblage (blending)


by Arthur Djoroukhian

Blanc de Blancs

Chilhood Dreams

by Chen Jiang Hong

Assemblage (blending)

Water Lilies

by Louis Cane

Blanc de Blancs

Floral Ascent

by Jean Paul Agosti

Assemblage (blending)

and Warmth

by Didier Paquignon

Blanc de Blancs


by Guillemette Schlumberger

Blanc de Blancs


by Sandro Chia

Assemblage (blending)

Structure and Velvet

by Paola Marchesi

Assemblage (blending)

Love and Silk

by Luc Simon

Blanc de Blancs

and Fullness

by Roland Roure

Assemblage (blending)

Ampleness and Suppleness

by Benoît Marq

Assemblage (blending)


by Jean-Yves Gosti


by Bernard Piffaretti

Blanc de Noirs


by Christine Burdin